![]() 08/14/2017 at 15:25 • Filed to: harley, motorcycle, kawasaki, craigslist | ![]() | ![]() |
Bear with me, I’m just trying to figure out if I’ve gone mad. I’ve been riding motorcycles for as long as I’ve been driving - even longer if you consider dirt bikes. In the last 12 years I’ve owned 5 bikes, however thinking back they’ve all been Japanese built bikes made between 1976 and 1982. All but one were parallel twins, with the outlier being an inline 4.
I’ve had my current bike - a 1978 kawasaki kz750 twin - for 4 or 5 years now, and it’s served me well. Originally designed to compete with the Triumph 750 in an era where 4 cylinders were becoming standard it features torque and ease of maintenance over outright speed. I bought it off a Harley guy who modified it as a winter project, and over the last few years I’ve kept some of what he did (steel brake lines, seat and fenders) and made my own changes (paint, exhaust, lights, and lots of wiring changes). It’s been a pretty reliable and strong running bike, one I’m still using almost daily to get to work. I’ve got more changes I’d like to make (flat seat, different rear fender) and some more maintenance to do, but nothing that should preclude me from running this bike well into the future.
Here’s the thing - while I love driving something old that I feel comfortable modifying, and the novelty of kick starting doesn’t bother me, and I enjoy the unique deep BURRRRR of the exhaust - I’m starting to grow discontent. Fuel injection over carbs, modern maintenance intervals, more power, and a 2 up seat to allow riding with my wife have all begun calling my name. This morning that calling took on a “shoutier” tone.
Killing time at work I found myself with craigslist open, staring a a Harley. Why a Harley you ask? I honestly have no idea. I’ve never paid more than a passing glance at one. I’ve always been the guy to point out how much more efficient, fast, light, comfortable and probably better for any task the bikes are from most Japanese, German, or even British makes. I laugh at wanna be SOA types with their leather and bad boy posturing, and I’m also still 10 years or so away from any “mid life crisis” territory.
Not only that, but I was just telling someone on Saturday that I “pretty much hate chrome on anything that isn’t from the ‘50s”. Somehow, despite all of this, I have a browser tab open and a 2006 Dyna Super Glide “35th anniversary edition” is staring me in the face. Something about the proportions just click for me. White paint and chrome everywhere, yet before I realize what’s happening I find myself daydreaming about polishing that chrome. Somehow time spent cleaning still seems better than greasy nights adjusting valves or dealing with stuck floats, or so I tell myself. I was a Cycle World reader when this bike came out, and I think I have a vague recollection of Peter Egan doing the review as he did for the original 1971 model. He could have said the bike was a total turd for all I remember, but the memory got me looking up specs. Fuel injection, 6 speeds, seating for 2 and nearly twice the torque as my current bike. Hmm.... sure it’s not going to handle great but then it’s not like my rag-tag piece of aging iron is fast or great handling either, right?
Suddenly I’m feeling the siren song of the V Twin pulling at my brain, and it’s all at once exciting and confusing (seriously who makes model numbers like FXDOIWER35OIJGLEKNOINW anyways??). So there we have it - kind readers of OPPO, if you’ve made it this far, anyone have any opinions or advice? I’ve honestly never ridden a Harley so everything I know is hearsay at this point. And yes, I know there are plenty of probably better rides that also have EFI and more power, etc.... but I’ve owned plenty of metric rides and part of me just wants to experience something different. At the same time, what is different for me is downright common for the rest of everybody in the US. I told you it’s complicated!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 15:40 |
I’d say go for it. Just keep it for as long as you enjoy it, be it 2 days or 2 decades.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 15:44 |
I mean, I am in camp Harley hate (full disclosure), but I can see why some people like them. I did ride a new Indian (chieftain?) and was not impresses at all. My rear end was screaming at the end of the day, since you site right on your tailbone, plus its almost impossible for my 170 lbs to do any sort of u-turn on a 900 lbs bike. Its definitely an image thing. Heck, my old ‘81 xj650 was more comfortable! But alas, the heart wants what the heart wants
![]() 08/14/2017 at 15:44 |
Harleys are never the best “numbers” bikes. THey’re an emotional purchase. Go into it with that mindset and it’ll be fine. I recommend a softail “deuce” from the early 2000s. Not excessively large. Not overly chromed. Timeless lines and curves. It’s just.....balanced. I don’t care how it rides so long as it can keep its balance and not try and fall over every second of the day. I just want to be on it.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 15:55 |
Here, you’ll need some of these.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:05 |
Harleys are almost always bought because someone wants “The Look” moreso than the bike itself. I’ve ridden Harleys before (a Road King and an Electra Glide Ultra Classic), and I just don’t see the appeal. My father has one, so I guess it’s more of a “I don’t want to be my father” than anything else.
(“But it’s fast with the Screaming Eagle package”, he tells me. I tell him, “That’s like saying my Silverado is fast for a worn out turbodiesel pickup.”)
American cruiser bike? Indian Chieftain. Want an American tourer? Indian Roadmaster Classic (I love the leather saddlebags).
Want a better tourer? Guzzi, Triumph, BMW (R1200RT or K series if you have $$$$), Honda (Gold Wings are awesome), Kawasaki, and others all have tourers. Heck, even a Ducati Multistrada can play that role.
I currently ride a 15 year old Triumph Sprint ST. I’m looking to get a Ducati Multistrada Enduro. The Triumph ran circles around the Road King, and the Ducati is a festival of sound that will make you sing “Fratelli d’Italia, l’Italia s’è desta.”
I’m going to be so broke after buying the Ducati and the Camaro.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:08 |
Everything you say is true...
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:08 |
Get some seat time first. I grew up with them. Had my own. No more love after that. But if I lived in a place with mostly flat and straight roads, I might consider a Softail or Dyna.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:09 |
Thanks, it’s so weird - immediately after writing this article my t-shirt tucked itself into my jeans and a bald eagle and american flag showed up on it.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:10 |
Thanks for the tip, that is a great looking bike as well!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:13 |
Yeah, that is something to consider. The Harley seat on my bike is the part I hate most about it, and that’s without even having any forward controls. Hey, I had an ‘82 xj650!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:14 |
Not bad advice. I’ve always been pretty anti-Harley, but I’ve never even driven one. I kind of want to see what the fuss is about... and hey, it very well could be a short phase to get it out of my system!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:16 |
Yeah, while my interest is peaked at the moment I’m not actively buying a new bike, at least not this year. I definitely want to try a few before I make a move...
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:20 |
Just watch a regular car review on the flhtc
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:32 |
I hope yours was on better shape than mine! I think my carbs were filled with chewing gum!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:40 |
Well that’s no good! I had to take mine apart to clean them once but otherwise it ran pretty well - I made a couple 5 hour trips to buffalo NY and back on it while I had it. It’s actually still in the family, my dad owns it now although it doesn’t get ridden too often lately
![]() 08/14/2017 at 16:45 |
will do, although I have to admit anything more than 30 seconds of his stuff and I’m wishing to be smacked in the skull with a baseball bat
![]() 08/14/2017 at 17:25 |
Why not embrace the crazy, and take it all the way up a few notches and get something Italian?
This MV Agusta will suit you well. Just look at it!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 17:25 |
There’s nothing wrong with a Harley. It’s just that some of the owners are douchebags.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 17:31 |
Oh I’d love to have an MV Agusta, or even “just” a Ducati! My vespa moped will probably be the only bright red Italian bike my budget allows for in the near future though...
![]() 08/14/2017 at 17:32 |
Completely true. I’m mostly sure I’m not one now, so as long as owning one doesn’t turn you into one by default I think I’d be ok...
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They’re surprisingly attainable, the base model Brutale 800 is advertised on CycleTrader for $13.5k, for a new ‘17. Leftover new ‘15 and ‘16s are even cheaper.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 18:00 |
I have a Harley StreetBob (FXDB) and I love it. DYNAs are the best and I think you’d like the change. Any of the fuel injected models are pretty stout. You won’t have much to worry about.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 18:17 |
Great looking bike, thank you!
![]() 08/14/2017 at 19:57 |
Nah, it won’t. They’re sorta like Mustangs- it doesn’t make people douchey, douchey people just happen to be attracted to them.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 20:04 |
Honda vtx. 1300 (single Carb) or 1800 (EFI). Various models with various looks. I have a 1300C and hammerman has an 1800. They have retro, neo, spoked, old school cruiser types. They just go. Easy to work on, repair after you crash it, and inexpensive. I can shake windows, or putt through the neighborhood, quiet as can be.
![]() 08/14/2017 at 22:32 |
I know very little about bikes, but I like the look of the Sportster 48
That’s the only vaguely modern Harley I like the look of though. Other than that, I’m interested in older BMWs, Triumphs, Guzzis.....the 48 is the odd one out
![]() 08/15/2017 at 06:25 |
yes you’re crazy, buy Japanese.
![]() 08/15/2017 at 09:18 |
Probably so...
![]() 08/15/2017 at 09:23 |
I do like the look of that.... you’d have to not care about Harley guys saying you got a “girls” bike though, or so I’ve been told. Speaking of Guzzis, I have a real soft spot for them and could see myself owning an old california at some point. Of course, that doesn’t fit the new bike with EFI criteria! There are some decent looking new Guzzis too, but the ones that look “retro” aren’t that much more powerful than my current bike
![]() 08/15/2017 at 09:24 |
Yeah, emotionally I’m saying right now that I want a Harley, but I’m not doing anything without riding a few first. After that I’d say there is a good chance I’d go for something metric after all. I’m sure anything made in the last 15 years is drastically different than the stuff I’ve already owned
![]() 08/15/2017 at 12:02 |
I thought I heard my name. As The Compromiser said above, VTX’s are great bikes. Most cruisers (including Harley’s) are. They’re made to go all day and last a long time. Most are overbuilt and understressed.
As far as the seat comments that I’ve been seeing, they make aftermarket seats for a reason. I have a Mustang on mine and did 700 miles last Friday.
If you want something that can go 2 up comfortably, do long trips or touring, and then be stripped down to look cool (solo seat,etc.) a Harley would be the easiest (although not the cheapest) option. They’re aftermarket support is massive. Anything you want to do to it has been thought of already and there’s a part for it.
Just because you have a Harley doesn’t mean you have to be a douchebag. Ride what you ride, and ride it how you want to ride it. Just because there are stereotypes doesn’t mean you have to fit them.
Kinja is Kinja’ing my photos, but I’ve done several write ups on my bike and have photos in my posts if you’re interested.
![]() 08/15/2017 at 13:37 |
I was in a similar situation, my old Yamaha was becoming a little unreliable and a maintenance nightmare so I started looking at newer bikes. I was originally looking at some older Honda CB’s, when my dad pointed out a Sportster. I was far from a Harley guy at that point, but I liked the way it looked, and the allure of fuel injection pulled me in (the 0% interest parent loan helped a bunch too). I rode that bike through college and for a few years after. No it wasn’t the fastest bike, or the lightest, or the best handling, but I loved the way it looked, it made an awesome sound (albeit a little too loud) and I just loved to ride it. The time came where I was doing much more highway and interstate riding than city riding, my wife started wanting to ride with me more, and most of my friends were getting into bigger bikes, so it was time for the Sportster to go. A couple months ago I sold it and bought a 2006 Yamaha Roadstar Warrior 1700, and I don’t regret it at all. The Warrior is fast, has torque for days, is more comfortable (and will be better after a few small changes) and handles amazingly well for such a big bike. And it was half the price of a used Harley. In short, it’s a better bike, for a better deal and I absolutley love it.
All that being said, I will own another Harley someday. Maybe I’m just a victim of their marketing, but there is something different, something special, about a Harley, that little bit of emotion and the exuberance of character that the bike emits. You either get Harleys or you don’t, and neither way is wrong, they’re just different preferences.
I don’t think you’re crazy at all for looking at Harley’s, and now is a fantastic time to buy one because the market is flooded with them and prices are low. There are plenty of great metric cruisers out there as well, for less money, but at the end of the day ride what you like, and don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about it.
![]() 08/15/2017 at 18:33 |
I too have a Mustang and do love it.
![]() 08/15/2017 at 18:37 |
Im old now so it suits me, but I’ve always been a laid back rider, so it’s not much of a reach for me.
And yes things haven’t changed much, but they have enough.
![]() 08/16/2017 at 07:47 |
For sure. What drew me to the VTX is that it will pull you along at a leisurely pace for 300-400 miles, and then has all that torque and pretty decent brakes if you want to ride it like a hooligan.
When Harley launched the Milwaukee Eight I read the specs and went “huh, that’s the same power/torque numbers as my 15 year old Honda...”
![]() 08/16/2017 at 08:08 |
Yes I got sad when I realized a factory Harley was going to give me a run for my money. But I guess it’s fair that they can likely beat my 10 year old Honda now...
![]() 08/16/2017 at 09:24 |
Nice bike! While I’ve got my gears turning and am currently looking towards a Harley, realistically I’m not buying anything for at least a year... and then not until I’ve driven a few things. The driving might very well sway my thinking!